Let’s cut to the chase on this one boys and girls. Have you looked at the pictures of this chassis? The pictures do not do it justice. Come on…..do you really need us to tell you how sweet it is? No, you really don’t. But we will anyway.
The stock chassis on the Mini-T leaves something to be desired. If you have noticed, it flexes a LOT and is the cause for many busted steering servo mounts (among other things). Have you ever broke the little tab that the hinged upper deck attaches to? Did you wonder how it broke? Chassis flex. Take your Mini-T and try to (gently) fold it in half. You will see what we mean by flex and you will also see why your brace busted. The stocker works fine for the average driver but we are certainly not average. This is Beat Your Truck after all! And that is why you are reading this….you beat your truck and feel the need for something stronger, faster and/or generally better than stock. This chassis is exactly what you are looking for.
GETTING STARTED: Let’s dig in. The packaging is great. All the aluminum goodies are nicely separated via plastic to keep them from getting scratched in shipment (we know it is going to get scuffed up big time once it hits the dirt but hey…when you buy something new, you want to be the one to mess it up right?) The included screws, antenna base and spacers are all neatly separated. The package comes complete with everything you need to take your little guy to the next level of durability (note: if you are going to upgrade to a larger steering servo, you will need to order the FFRC aluminum servo mounts – if you are sticking with the stock servo, you do not need the servo mounts and you can always add them later...see comments below on the servo mounts). The thick aluminum chassis and upper deck for mounting the electronics are machined very well and their strength is obvious even before you get it out of the package. FFRC has done a nice job including all the screws, spacers and whatnot you need to install this beauty.
The antenna mount is an extra bonus as far as we are concerned. It does a very nice job of grabbing the antenna post and it just plain looks cool!
Installation is pretty straightforward and if you remove the front and
rear of the truck as assemblies, it will speed things along greatly.
The appropriate screw holes are counter-sunk and the quality of the
workmanship really shows on this chassis and upper-deck. The spacers
are threaded and fit perfectly. All the holes line up perfectly. This
is what quality manufacturing is all about. We recommend installing
the spacers onto the chassis loosely before bolting the suspension assemblies
back on. It makes the final assembly a little easier. When you have
both chassis in your hands, the weight difference is nil. In fact it
is surprising how heavy the stock chassis feels! The FFRC chassis does
feel a little bit heavier however the benefits of strength and durability
far outweigh (sorry for the pun) the added weight.
MOUNTS: As mentioned earlier, if you are upgrading to
new electronics and a new, more powerful servo, FFRC offers some slick
aluminum servo mounts to make fitting your new servo a breeze. The chassis
is pre-drilled and holes are countersunk. We fit our HiTec HS-85MG servo
up and it the mounts work beautifully. The required hardware comes with
the servo mount kit and it is well worth the $8. They look great too!
For this review however, we are using our stock electronics.
FITMENT: We have primarily been using 2-cell LiPo batteries
in this Mini-T due to the solid performance and long run times. We made
a custom battery holder from some foam we had lying around to keep the
little Li battery in place and safe from ejection on big landings. The
chassis has nice spots for a 6 cell pack to be mounted. It is custom
designed to fit the 2/3A cells in the custom setup of 3 per side. NOTE:
The standard AA pack as well as 5 and 6 cell NiMH packs WILL fit however
you will need to add a couple of small washers to the posts on the upper
deck. Remember that it technically is not made for NiMH packs so you
are going to have to get a little crafty to get them in. We spoke to
FFRC about this and they are considering the addition of washers or
different size posts in the kit to accommodate more battery options.
Chances are you already have a couple of small washers that will work
perfectly. You will also have to fabricate a way to secure these packs
into the chassis. We used a thick rubber band. You could also use Velcro
for easy removal or just use servo tape if you leave the same battery
in the car and charge it in place.
SUMMARY: We have been bashing the little guy around the BYT track and anywhere else we can find. Our Mini-T has been tossed repeatedly off of big jumps we normally use for our XXX-T and T-Maxx's. No ill effects we noticed. Typically we get more time on parts before we write a review but in this case that would just be silly. The FullForce RC Mini-T chassis is SO much stronger than the stock unit, there is no need to put months of time into the testing of this chassis. It is ROCK solid. It almost seems as if the suspension has a chance to do its job more efficiently without the stock chassis flex. The truck seems more predictable when jumping, turning and driving overall. Maybe it is in our head? Maybe not.
In our opinion the main benefits with the FFRC aluminum chassis upgrade are:
1. durability – good luck busting this chassis. It would take a SEVERE impact to do any damage to it
2. “bling” – it looks slick and certainly will set your Mini-T apart from the rest
3. servo options – it gives you the option of adding larger, more powerful steering servos without having to start hacking your chassis.
4. battery options – more room in the chassis for a wider range
of battery options (with some minor mods)
love this chassis. In fact we can’t really find anything not to
like about it. The price is great and it works beautifully. Very
nice job FullForce RC! Visit the
FullForce RC
web site to see the latest on pricing for these and other great RC parts.